This is an explanation of the variables compiled by MKStats, and which files these vars are in. # = 0-9 DATESTRING = 960124 = Jan 24, 1996 MONTHSTRING = 0124 - Jan 24, 1996 sub.readlog.*: $lineerrors: The of lines in the access_log that did not follow the correct format and could not be counted. $null: The number of entries in the access_log with (null) as the requesting site (errors). $totallines: The number of lines of the access_log processed in this run. $statuscodes{###}: The number of times each status code was returned by the server. $bytes{DATESTRING}: The number of bytes transferred on the specific day. $totalbytes: The number of bytes transferred. $totalhits{DATESTRING}: The number of hits for a specific day, including all images and other files. $cachehits: The number of times an IP address was pulled from the DNS cache (if resolving is on) $total: The total number of page hits (not including images and other files) $dates{DATESTRING}{PAGE}: The number of hits for a specific page on a specific day. $pagebytes{PAGE}: The number of bytes transferred from a specific page. $domains{DOMAIN}{MONTHSTRING}: The number of hits from a domain for a specific month. $domains{DOMAIN}{total}: The total number of hits from a specific domain $hours{##}: The number of hits for a specific hour of the day. $users{USER}: The number of hits from a specific user who logged into a secure page or site. sub.agent: $agenttotal{BROWSER}: The number of hits from the browser with a specific name. $agent{BROWSER}{VERSION}: The number of hits from a specific version of a specific browser. sub.error: $errors{ERROR}: The number of errors with a specific string. sub.referer: $imagecount: The number of images or CGI scripts referenced from off-site. $images{TO}{FROM}: The number of times the image or CGI in "TO" has been referenced from the site "FROM". $totalreferer{TO}: The number of times a page has been referenced from an off-site link. $news: The number of references coming from usenet news articles. $newsrefs{TO}: The number of usenet news references to a specific page. $bookmarked: The number of references coming from a bookmark or local file. $bookmarks{TO}: The number of bookmark references to a specific page. $searches{yahoo|lycos|webcrawler|infoseek|altavista}: The number of references from a specific search site. $searchengines: The total number of references from search engines. $words{TO}{WORD}: The number of times a search for WORD resulted in a hit to a specific page. $referer{TO}{FROM}: The number of times a specific page has been referenced from an off-site page. $totalreferer: The number of non-image and non-CGI referenced from off-site sub.morevars: $countries{COUNTRY}: The number of hits from a specific country. $ustypes{COM|EDU|ORG|MIL|NET}: The number of hits from a specific US domain type. $months{##}: The number of hits during a given month. $daysweektotal{##}: The number of hits on each of the days of the week. $daysmonthtotal{##}: The number of hits on each of the days of the months. $hits{DATESTRING}: The total number of page hits on a specific date. $pagetotal{PAGE}: The total number of hits on a specific page. $avgdates{##}: The average number of hits for each day of the months. $avgdays{##}: The average number of hits for each day of the week. $domaintotal{DOMAIN}: The total number of hits from a specific domain. $weeks{####}: The total number of hits for a specific week. $dirs{DIRECTORY}{total}: The total number of hits from files in a specific directory. $dirs{DIRECTORY}{bytes}: The total number of bytes from files in a specific directory. @pages: A list of all pages, sorted by most accesses to least. @domains: A list of all domains, sorted by most accesses to least. @countries: A list of all countries, sorted by most accesses to least. @pagebytes: A list of all pages, sorted by most bytes transferred. @dates: A list of all dates, sorted by most accesses to least. @users: A list of all users, sorted by most access for current month.