/secret/file.html /private/ /mystuff/me/goaway/The URL's listed in the $EXCLUDEFILE are checked for at the beginning of each line being processed. That is, the /private/ entry about would cause the program to ignore any URL beginning with /private/, including all files and subdirectories. Putting a '/' as an entry in the $EXCLUDEFILE would cause the program to ignore all entries.
When MKStats runs, it will check for a file called sub.process in it's directory. If it is there, it will "require" it, which will load its contents into memory. Inside of this file, you must create a subroutine name "process" that will do your dirty work. By looking at the sub.readlog.clf file, you'll see where this fits in:
unless (($site,$rfc931,$user,$when,$request,$status,$bytes)= /^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \[([^\]]+)] \"([^\"]+)" (\S+) (\S+)$/o) { $lineerrors++; next; } ($page) = ($request =~ m|[^\/]*(\S*)|); # If you've got other plans, let's do them! &process if (defined &process);The variables available to you are in the second line, and should be self-explanatory. (If they aren't, you probably aren't ready to use this option :).